Hide and Unhide Chat Gold WhatsApp | Chat Lock – Golden Whatsapp

Whatsapp Gold is a mod version of Whatsapp it offers unlimited features which are not present in original whatsapp. It also offers advanced security features which are very beneficial for users. Gold Whatsapp 2024 provides an enhanced layer of security and privacy with hide and unhide chat gold whatsapp Features.

Whatsapp Gold Features

Here we discuss the secure features of Golden Whatsapp. Locking chat, hide and unhide chat and lock whatsapp are the most secure and useful features of Gold Whatsapp new version.

Chat Lock | Hide Chat | Lock WhatsApp: Advance Security

First, you have download the latest new version of Gold Whatsapp 2024 in your phone and install it. If you don’t have apk mod of Gold Whatsapp so, don’t worry download it form below button.

How to Hide Chat in Gold WhatsApp?

It is a useful and Great option to hide and unhide chat in Golden whatsapp.

Which chat has to hidden, select it. Tap on Hide Icon

Chat Lock | Hide and unhide Chat | Lock WhatsApp: Advance Security

Set a pin or pattern first before hiding chats!

hide and unhide chat gold whatsapp

Put the password you remember and confirm it.

Chat Lock | Hide Chat | Lock WhatsApp

Now, your chat is hidden.

How to Unhide Chat In Gold WhatsApp?

On the Home Screen Click on Whatsapp at the left corner of the gold whatsapp new version interface.

Chat Lock | Hide Chat | Lock WhatsApp: Advance Security

Enter your password.

Chat Lock | Hide Chat | Lock WhatsApp

Select the chat you want to unhide and click on the unhide button on top bar.

Chat Lock | Hide Chat | Lock WhatsApp: Advance Security

Lock Chat in Golden WhatsApp

Chat lock is the only feature which is present in the All mod version of whatsapp. As a golden Whatsapp Expert we Will guide you step-by-step process to enable chat lock in gold Whatsapp.

Open the chat of a specific person you want to conversion lock . Tap on three dots and click on lock conversion.

Chat Lock | Hide Chat | Lock WhatsApp: Advance Security

New pop-up appear, where you chose lock option.

Chat Lock | Hide Chat | Lock WhatsApp: Advance Security

Here you choose one option pin and pattern, set password and confirm it.

Now, your conversion is locked.

Lock Golden WhatsApp

On the home screen of gold whatsapp tap on three dots and select Gold settings.

Chat Lock | Hide Chat | Lock WhatsApp: Advance Security

Now click Privacy and Security, scroll down

Chat Lock | Hide Chat | Lock WhatsApp: Advance Security

On Whatsapp lock

Chat Lock | Hide Chat | Lock WhatsApp: Advance Security

Set pattern or pin, confirm it.

Chat Lock | Hide Chat | Lock WhatsApp

Now your whatsapp is lock.


In Conclusion, Gold Whatsapp 2024 is loaded with many features it provide many security option to protect data and whatsapp account. Hide and unhide chat Gold Whastapp, lock chat and Whatsapp Lock are amazing and outstanding security option for users in Golden Whatsapp. There are many other feature whatsapp gold apk offers you must visit out site and download Whatsapp Gold new version.


Gold WhatsApp offers unlimited features and advanced security options, providing users with an enhanced level of privacy and control over their messaging experience.

Gold WhatsApp is a modified version of the original WhatsApp application.

Gold WhatsApp offers enhanced security features, it’s important to note that using modified versions of apps may pose risks.